We’ve spent the last 12 years tailoring an end to end transportable housing solution with our customers. We’ve come up with a way that gives our customers great low deposit finance options AND great quality affordable tiny homes. With in-house delivery included, we offer a one-stop shop.
Helping solve the housing crisis.
We’ve all heard a lot about New Zealand’s ongoing housing crisis in recent years, we now have one of the most unaffordable housing markets in the world. This is impacting everyone; especially young families working hard to get ahead. For many the dream of owning a home is slipping away. Kiwi families are sadly starting to accept living in shoddy, damp, cold rentals, or cramped shared housing.
Yet New Zealand has a tiny population in a vast landscape. Many iwi and extended families have great sections available, especially in the country, but no way to get good quality, affordable homes onto that land. The price tag for building from scratch is not an option for most. Getting mortgages, even for small houses, is often impossible. And it’s hard to raise finance for transportable homes. We reckon this isn’t good enough. This is why we’ve found a great way to get more Kiwis into warm, dry homes of their own.

We know our stuff.
Our years of experience mean we’ve mastered the art of building homes that are both affordable and made with the care and quality needed to last. Mark, our founder, has been a qualified builder for nearly 30 years and has worked hard to create a well reputed operation at unit2go. The business is based on producing solid, well designed, well built homes that give our customers an excellent long term investment. And we’ll stand behind them in years to come.
Built to last.
Construction happens inside our own purpose built factory in South Auckland. Manufacturing at our own site makes the process efficient and very cost-effective. We get economies of scale keeping prices very reasonable for our customers. Without compromise. Our units are properly built to the NZ code and are fully council consented. This gives customers peace of mind as well as solid and insurable future investments.
All our homes are warm, dry and eco-friendly. This gives families a great healthy place for their kids to grow up in. As well as tiny power bills for their tiny homes.
We use traditional tried and tested Kiwi building methods and natural materials (lots of timber) creating tiny homes and cabins just right for the NZ environment. Using features like cavity construction, natural materials and traditional timber framing, we are sure you will like the feel of our units compared to other lesser units in the market.
All Unit2go cabins and tiny homes come on steel skids and can be moved easily without damage. They stand the test of time.
They’re also well designed, with better, wider layouts than many, often feeling bigger than they are.

Service & delivery.
We take your purchase seriously; we know it’s a big decision for you and it’s a big deal to us too. We can step you through the process at your pace, wherever you are in the journey. No cowboys here. Just a friendly team ready to make your dream into a reality.
We carefully deliver all our tiny homes and cabins using our own specialist transport team and our own truck and trailer (allowing for units up to 70sqm to be delivered in this way). We then set them up on properties all over the North island, whether on blocks or piles. We make it happen for all kinds of different Kiwis on different sections; from suburban sleepouts and rural tiny house communities, to baches at the beach.
We follow up with after care service and a 10 year watertightness and structural warranty. This is required by law and we will be around to ensure it is complied with.
The money.
Crucial in all this of course, is finding the money for your new home. We have our own sister finance company, UFinance, which makes it simple to finance your dream. We’ve developed a product that means the unit itself becomes the security for the loan. As long as you can afford the weekly payments you can apply for the loan. Our customers can have a freehold home of their own in 8 to 10 years, often for less than the price of renting. No more landlords or huge stress-inducing mortgages.
We also take care of the insurance, included in the weekly payment. See the UFinance terms and conditions, Apply now.

Into the future.
Unit2go has been around for a long time and we plan to be here for a lot longer too. We’ll help you now and in years to come. This is a long term relationship and we’re on a long term mission.
We’re proud to be helping more Kiwis into great homes of their own.